Please complete an application for each dog you will be enrolling.
Please complete an application for each dog you will be enrolling.
All new guests are required to start daycare on a scheduled Saturday for Meet & Greet screening process prior to acceptance. An enrollment application and one time enrollment fee of $25 is required prior to evaluation. In addition on the screening date a daycare fee will be due.
Please note: Each pet must be enrolled separately.
If you prefer, the enrollment form can be downloaded here and mailed, emailed or brought in with you:
Group Dog Day Care Enrollment form »
Lone Wolf (Individual) Enrichment Daycare Program form »
La-De-Da Pet Spa
2799 Southwestern Blvd.
Orchard Park, New York 14127
Call for Enrollment
LaDeDa Pet Spa
2799 Southwestern Blvd
Orchard Park, NY
Phone: (716) 677.0000
Tuesday – Friday: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Tuesday – Saturday:
Check In 9am-3pm / Check out by 10am not charged for day
Sunday – Monday:
9 – 10 am OR 2pm – 3pm (By Appointment Only)
Call: (716) 677-0000